Nov 8, 2012

Hey! Look Over There!

Michael Ramirez, 11/7/12:
I've said it before: when the news is overwhelmingly against your side -- and you see your role as an editorial cartoonist to defend your side, rather than to do anything more noble than that -- what you need to do is bash the media.

By, for example, trying to say that a speech containing the phrase "act of terror" criminally failed to use the word "terror."

1 comment:

  1. 1) How exactly do you cover up evidence of something NOT being said? You can't omit an absence.

    2) Ramirez couldn't be bothered to stay up late on Tuesday? Just in case something important came up that he could comment on?


Please remember that the purpose of Editorial Explanations is to explain and to expand knowledge, rather than to engage in any partisan bickering. All cartoonists are completely correct, in their own worlds.