Nov 22, 2012

Majestic Mt. Molehill

Joe Heller, 10/21/12:
So the "fiscal cliff" -- an entirely artificial crisis, created simply by Congressional bills and as easy to eliminate by another vote of Congress -- is going to rip the head of Uncle Sam off of our little-known second monument in the black hills, Mt. Rushless? But the GOP, the Dems, and what I am assuming is the single worst caricature of Obama I've seen in two years doing this blog will all be safe from any cliff-related mishaps?

Do I have that right?

(I keep trying to read this as a comment on Rush Limbaugh -- the Dems won the election, so we're Rush-less, get it? -- but I don't think that's what Heller meant. I will admit that I'm hampered by being utterly confused about what Heller did mean, though.)

1 comment:

  1. I think that his point is that Congress should "rush" to do something about the fiscal cliff, because if they don't, Uncle Sam's head is going to fall down. Or kinda leap sideways, maybe?

    Also, the Republican elephant looks kinda Hitler-y to me, but that's probably just because Heller isn't 100% clear on what tusks look like.


Please remember that the purpose of Editorial Explanations is to explain and to expand knowledge, rather than to engage in any partisan bickering. All cartoonists are completely correct, in their own worlds.