Apr 9, 2011

So, Logically, If She Weighed the Same as a Duck, She's Made of Wood

Mike Peters, 4/8/11:
So, let's take this logical argument and try to falsify it.

If there was no God, then He would not have survived all of these religions, and thus we would not see obvious evidence of divine intervention in everyday affairs today.

Or, wait...would the negative be that if there was no God, then all of these religions couldn't have killed him, and thus, if there's no God, then logically there must be a God?

Ok, Ok, let me try again: if only an omniscient, omnipotent being could have survived millennia of being worshiped by millions of people -- and Peters is postulating that this is the case, though it's not clear why -- then, obviously, that means that of all the Gods that might have been, only the most perfect one now exists, through Darwinian selection?

My head hurts, so I think I'll just go and lie down now....

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